Ending Homelessness Creating Homes - Simon Open Door 2021
For the second year running we are proud to be taking part in a campaign for the homeless charity Simon Communities of Ireland! RIAI Simon Open Door 2021 is a partnership between the Simon Communities of Ireland and the RIAI. As of today 48% of their target has been reached and we are pleased that our time slots have already booked up so we’re adding some more spaces.
Anyone can sign up to RIAI Simon Open Door and in return for a €95 donation to the Simon Community, you will receive an hour-long consultation with a RIAI Registered Architect. This is an important platform in combating homelessness and provides a great opportunity to get a professional consultation on your project. We’re really pleased to be taking part this year and are hoping to help as many of you as possible!
Consultations usually take place in the Architect’s own office, however this year with the ongoing disruption from Covid-19 the consultations will be taking place online. All you need is an internet connection and we can do the rest!
Open Door runs from 4-14 May 2021. Further information and booking details can be found at https://www.simonopendoor.ie/. Booking has already opened so if you’re thinking about starting a project in the next few months, don’t miss out on this great cause!
If you’re unsure of what questions to ask in a consultation, then download our free project planning pack to get you started.
Spread the word on social media using #RIAIsimon and do your bit to end homelessness!